Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Missed Yesterday

Well I didn’t post yesterday. I guess that’s alright but I am trying to not let that happen, I know myself, because if I leave it go one day it may extend into the next and the next. You got the picture.

Yesterday I had plenty time to post but fiddled my time away. Maxine (mom, grandma) went to Washington DC to have lunch with my sister Ardi. They had a great time by the way.

I went to the dump and Sams put the groceries away, checked to see if mom made her flights, talked to her on my new cell phone, using the voice dialing feature naturally, and then the rest of the day reading a Louis L’amour Book. A day can’t get much better then that.

Tonight we have "Small Group", and naturally the subject will be Thanksgiving. This is a subject that should be on our minds through the year and not relegated to one day. But that’s the way our culture goes and sad to say most Christians are the same.

Well have a good day; I may post two today.


Monday, November 27, 2006

Mower Trouble!

Mower Trouble! Today it was 70 degrees no wind. The ground was finally dry enough to mow the grass.

I had a chance to get outside and climb on my lawn mower, well actually I got on Maxine’s. This was because I was too lazy to remove the grass catcher from my mower. Anyone reading this and not familiar with Maxine and I, don’t realize we have our own lawn mowers.

Anyway I mowed for about 1½ hours and then a heard a strange sound, I disconnected the mower blades and it stopped. I suspected a branch or something got stuck in the blades, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Needless to say I’m in the doghouse for messing up Maxine’s mower.

The mower will be repaired but my pride may not.

Have a good day. GeneO

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Cell Phones

Cell Phones are not new to this house, but it is to me. I finally got my own, the word finally is probable the wrong word to use because I really don’t think I’ll use it that much. We’ll see.

Anyway I spent a couple hours to find out how to use it. Input names and numbers, about 10, and put a special ring to the family. Also I had Maxine record a voice message that said "Hi hun answer the phone please" this will be her "RING", it will be repeated 4 times. I’m sure I’ll look around in surprise when she calls me the first few times.

Today, we went to a friend’s house for a 4-year-old birthday. It was fun but I got tired and also we had to fix my mom’s diner. Anyway thats why I’m writing tonight rather then in the morning.

Have a good night


Saturday, November 25, 2006

The house is quiet

The house is quiet….. Kent, Jordan And Logan are driving back to Atlantic about now. They left about an hour ago, after about 5 games of Nertz. To you who might not know what Nertz is, it’s a card game that is like a multi solitary. Logan loves the game and for his age he’s very good.

We also had a new dog visit today, his name is Baywolf. He should have been called Bear Wolf, he’s a German Shepherd about the size of a bear. He lives on the street behind us, but the owners must be either away for the day or weekend.

We have a call in for him, but he’s happy just lying on the porch.

The weather is in the mid to upper 60 today, it’s really nice.

Not much to say today, but I’ve been thinking, is a Blog a media for Philosophy? I may just start rambling one of these days. Have a great day.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Black Friday

Black Friday! Isn't that an odd name for the day after Thanksgiving? Maybe I think too much but the service people who wait on customers do not look forward to the day after Thanksgiving because of the hassle and frenzy of the crowds. They are all looking for a bargain or in a bad mood because they didn't find what they wanted.

All this after and because of the day to give thanks to God for the blessing of the harvest, or a financial blessing in our culture.

Enough of that, Had a great Thanksgiving with our family. Lots of food and fun, talk and laughter.

Today Marks clan is coming over for Tacos and to watch the Nebraska game. Win or loose the fellowship will be fun.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanks Giving Gathering

Well it's Thanksgiving. We are going to have an early dinner today. Kradan's Grandmother went home to see the Lord yesterday. Kradan needs to catch a plane at 5 PM. We are having 16 for dinner. The Mark Ostby clan, the Kent Ostby clan, the Stoney Blevens clan, GG Ma, Maxine and I.

My sweet wife is fixing the works, turkey, tatters, cranberries, dressing, chocolate pie, French apple pie. By the end of the day there will be more then one stuffed turkey in the house.

Please pray for Kradan and her family as they go through this time of loss. We need to be thankful for more then endless football game today. The Lord has blessed each of us with family, health, and prosperity. Have a great day.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

First Post

Hello World! This the day the Lord has Made.